Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Fire in the Mission Field

A Fire throughout the Bible
Today is Pentecost Sunday; when we remember the day many years ago when the Spirit and Fire of God came down upon the church, empowering them to then go out across the globe in proclamation of the living God! All over Scripture, we see God manifesting Himself through fire: A burning torch to Abraham (Gen 15), a burning bush to Moses (Exo 3), a pillar of fire to govern the Israelites; and on Mount Carmel, after the Baal worshippers had cried out to their gods in vain, and God then sent fire upon Elijah’s sacrifice, they saw and cried out that “the god who answers by fire, He is God" (1 Kings 18:39). The description of God as a fire is shared among most of the Minor Prophets in their human attempt to describe our great God.

Seeking God’s Heart
            This Holy God, Almighty Lord, and Loving Shepherd of ours has called us to “be Holy, for I am Holy” (1 Pet 1:16). In fact just a few days ago in my reading, I came across Samuel’s description to Saul of David: “The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command” (1 Sam 13:14), which is reiterated again in Acts, where “[God] also testified and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My heart, who will do all My will.’
            What an absolutely astounding thing! To be a man who will carry out the greatest of God’s commands to the full; who will love Him with ALL his heart, soul and strength; “who will do ALL [His] will.”

Upcoming Ministry
            And now we depart very shortly for another mission, on which we will again be tackling core principles of the Gospel, looking in depth at some of the pivotal teachings of the Christian faith. This will be my last cross-country mission this year. Concerning the ministry, God has laid two specific prayer requests upon my heart:

1) That in going out, God would continue His shaping and molding our hearts through a mighty bending and drilling of our lives, to perfect us into men after His own heart.

2) That the people we minister to would be filled with God’s holy fire, unable to stand in His presence and in a total recognition of their sin against a righteous King; of which major shift in their life will bring about saved men and women, who cannot stop from praising His Name!

And thank you ever so much for all your support! I really do appreciate it. It’s such a blessing to have so many faithful warriors backing me in the field! God is at work indeed.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Radio Tonight

This evening (12:00 Pacific Time), Mike and I will be discussing the significance of Ascension Day (coming up this Thursday), when the Lord, after giving His last commission to the disciples, ascended into heaven. We'll be looking at the greatness of the Great Commission, the last words of Christ, and the vast impact it has on our lives.

You can join us on Radio Tygerberg online through either of the following links:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Nobody's Perfect

I read recently in rabbi Duncan, I often hear people say—and this is why it struck me so—“Well, you know, pastor, nobody is perfect.”

Do you know what rabbi Duncan did with that little statement, nobody is perfect? This is what he said about it.  “Nobody is perfect. This is the hypocrites couch. This is the believer’s bed of thorns.

Nobody’s perfect! That’s the hypocrite’s couch. He lies back, no serious determination to
do the will of God.  He says, “Nobody is perfect.”

The true child of God, “No one is perfect; it’s my bed of thorns.  Wretched man that I am!
I find that when I would do good evil is present with me.  To will is present but to perform I know not! That bed of thorns.

Is the imperfection of your obedience your couch or your bed of thorns?

~Albert Martin

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Prayer and Praise Updates

apologize that I haven't posted a prayer/praise update sooner, and I realize there is much to pray for; but these are some of the key areas which prayer can be directed:

1) Please keep upcoming ministry in prayer, both the remaining upcoming mission, and the outreaches and ministry here in Cape Town. I've recently gotten involved with Straatwerk (Afrikaans for "street work"), which meets in down-town Cape Town on Friday nights, where participants are sent out in groups of 4 or so, to do night-time street ministry from 21:00 until 2:00 (Sat morning). Last weekend went very well, and I had the opportunity to talk to 3 people for about 30-45 min each! I'll be able to join them a few more times while here in SA.

2) I have so much at the moment to give God praise in, primary regarding His transforming and challenging of my thoughts. It seems as though I have had a resonating and multiple-fold (for an immediate lack of a better term) "God-high," and am daily overwhelmed at just who He is! But please pray that this will continue, and I will continue to grow in love for, fascination of, and obedience toward our Father.

3) Praise God for what He is doing in Africa, for the purpose He has had through this last year, and for how He will continue to work moving forward; and in humility, while seeking the Face of God Almighty, pray fervently for Africa! pray that God would move in such a way as so sinners from the remotest tribes and regions to the very hustle and chaos of an urban society would cry our to our Maker in repentance! and that His Name will be echoed amoung the nations!

Praise God!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mountain Pass in Tanzania sketch

original picture
Just finished a sketch of one of the stunning views we had while travelling through a mountain pass in Tanzania; the sketch of it is inspired by this photo, entailing the shown view, amoung the intricate and breathtaking surroundings, created and inspired by God.

13 He waters the mountains from His upper chambers; 
       The earth is satisfied with the fruit of His works.

24 O LORD, how many are Your works!
       In wisdom You have made them all; 
       The earth is full of Your possessions.

31 Let the glory of the LORD endure forever; 
       Let the LORD be glad in His works; 
32 He looks at the earth, and it trembles; 
       He touches the mountains, and they smoke. 
33 I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; 
       I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. 
34 Let my meditation be pleasing to Him; 
       As for me, I shall be glad in the LORD. 
35 Let sinners be consumed from the earth 
       And let the wicked be no more. 
       Bless the LORD, O my soul. 
       Praise the LORD!
                                                  ~Psalm 104

To See the Beauty of the Father!

It has well been stated that "beauty is on the eyes of the beholder." If this be so, the conclusion follows, that even at the peak of someone's brilliance of character, the onlooker may still be blinded toward their true beauty.

Oh that God would open our eyes to see the fullness of glory and radiance His character so entirely caries; that he would give us a contrite and broken heart as to then be able to esteem His holiness to a continually increasing degree!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Excerpt from God's Smuggler

by Brother Andrew
[describing the incorporation of those interested in short term missions behind the Iron Curtain]

          We insist on only two things from the men and women we accept as part-timers. We insist that each have a personal experience with Christ and learn to work in the full power of His Spirit, and we stress the importance of a positive ministry amoung the Communists. If a man seems to be harbouring personal resentments against a certain government, or if he has more to say about the evils of Communism than the goodness of God, then we suspect he is a soldier poorly armed for the battle before us.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Call for Discernment

I just found a place to watch this film free online, which seems like hitting electronic gold.

Justin Peters wrote his thesis for his Masters of Theology on the "Word of Faith" movement (the false gospel which blurs the line between God and man, and uses Christianity as a means to supposed earthly prosperity). His seminar, A Call for Discernment is therefore a very in depth and well-versed look at this movement.

This deviated gospel is the very thing we heavily encountered as we journeyed throughout Africa, especially in Kenya and Zimbabwe.

I'd highly recommend watching this if you're interested in learning more about a Biblical look into one of the very common teachings of today's "church."

(Links listed below in order)

Session 1 - Dangerous Doctrines (1:18:48)
Session 2 - Mangled Manifestations (1:17:21)
Session 3 - The Hurt of Healing (1:21:17)

Monday, April 16, 2012

On the radio tomorrow...

Tuesday 17th, at 21:00 (12:00 Pacific Time) to give a brief report of the recent Zimbabwe Mission.

You can tune in to Radio Tygerberg online through either of the following links:

Monday, April 9, 2012

Zimbabwe Mission Report

1 There will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them… 2 Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; 3 and in their greed they will exploit you with false words…     -2 Peter 2:1-3

False Doctrines for the Desperate and Needy
Zionists are seen all over Zimbabwe
The propagation of the idea that the purpose of Salvation is for man’s own benefit and glorification follows a direct parallel to the false gospels put forth today. And the collapse of Zimbabwe’s economy due to the brutal corruption of government within its borders has squeezed out a vast plea from the people for that of a more pleasurable disposition. Hence any gospel which offers prosperity and happiness is snatched up as quickly as it is put forth. These humanist regimes which have slipped into a soft sheep’s clothing merely seek to deify man and either completely abolish, or at least lay low, the Creator into a position under the dominion of man’s counsel and ruling. Such false teachings include “prosperity preachers” and Zionists which are both rampant in Zimbabwe.

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man… 24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity… 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper.     -Romans 1:18-28

A Core of the Gospel
With this in mind, the brunt of our teaching was on the essence of the true Gospel, dealing with Repentance, Full Salvation, What is a Christian?, The World vs the Word, I am not Ashamed of the Gospel, The Beatitudes, Suffering, Revival, and a few other important issues. We tried, although scarcely ourselves holding even a glimpse of its enormity, to establish within the seminar participants the utter and infinite chasm between our ways and the Lord’s as is well described in Isaiah 55:8-9. Whether their eyes were opened and their stony hearts torn out and replaced with flesh is a matter which rests in the Lord’s hands.

What about Baptism?
First seminar's participants
            So on Saturday, we crossed into Zimbabwe, having an opportunity to bring greetings the next day to those at a Baptist Church. John (one of the staff at Frontline) and I each gave a greeting followed by a sermon from David (Frontline Missionary). For the next 3 days, the 3 of us held a seminar there at the church. In addition to the above mentioned lectures, we included films in the programme, such as The Biggest Question (working through the various aspects of salvation: justification, sanctification, and glorification), Hell’s Best Kept Secret (on the importance of proclaiming the true Gospel, using the 10 Commandments to convict people of sin), 3 Days in Sudan (testimony of a journalist's experience with one of Frontline’s Missions to Sudan), and the Revival Hymn (a compilation of sermon clips from various Revivals). One of the biggest issues that arose there concerned baptism: Is Baptism required for salvation? What is its significance? Are salvation and the filling of the Holy Spirit separate from one another, or hand in hand? The discussions following the questions during lunch and even after each day’s seminar showed the interest of several of the participants curious about what the Bible had to say about these things.

Examine Yourselves!
            In addition to the seminar, John and I also had the privilege of speaking at their youth group one evening. I started by working through some of first 1 John, challenging those there, Test yourselves to see if you are in the Faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you – unless indeed you fail the test?”   (2 Cor. 13:5); that a person who loves the world does not have the Father in him, no matter what “good” he might appear to be capable of. Then John gave his testimony as an illustration of the complete difference between a life of the world and a life set on Christ. Having previously experienced a lot of the primary issues and struggles of the youth there, his testimony proved very encouraging and challenging to them.

A Heart of Humility
Teaching at the Baptist church
David giving morning devotions
            Fifteen minutes’ drive from there, was another Baptist church, where we held a seminar for the following 3 days (Thurs—Sat). The structure was very similar to that of the first seminar. However, after our team’s thoughts regarding the previous schedule, we decided it was critical to also show A Call for Discernment, in which Justin Peters systematically tackles the all-too-popular doctrines of the “health, wealth, & prosperity” movement—and indeed this kindled much discussion. It was encouraging to see just how responsive these seminar participants were – and how humble the pastor was! After David had explained what Discipleship really was, the pastor stated in front of his own congregation: “I always used to think that big crusades were the best way to witness, but I was wrong and now see the importance of one-on-one discipleship. That’s something I’ll have to change.”

So that’s a blessing?
            The topic of suffering paralleled with their previous understanding of the Gospel (sole prosperity) brought up quite a controversy as to whether that was right for a Christian to endure. David questioned them as to what they considered to be the biggest blessing, then putting it into perspective through passages like James 5:1-3, Matt. 6:19-21, and Phil. 3:7-11.

Sunday's service
            That Sunday, David went to preach at another church, and John and I stayed at that church. After I preached on “A Holy God before a Lofty and Lowly People,” John spoke on “The Kingdom of Heaven.” Then followed a time of prayer for about half an hour, in which time the prayer request for courage and boldness in going out to witness seemed very prevalent.

Yes, we’ll embrace suffering!
David teaching on the Law
(John 14:15,23)
Morning seminar participants
            After that, we held two seminars at another Baptist Church: one in the morning, one on the afternoon. We again repeated the programme for the morning seminar. But in the afternoons, as we didn’t have as much time, we decided to keep the programme very simple and leave plenty room for discussion. Conversation was stirred by questions to them such as “Why should you go to Heaven?”, “Why are there so few on the right path?”, “Will God pardon you if you’re really sincere?”, “What if you’re sincerely wrong?” and so on. I was quite encouraged to see, even before I began the lecture on suffering, their unanimous agreement on the fact that as Christians, not only will it occur, but that suffering for Christ’s sake is a blessing in itself and that through it I may know Him and the power of His Resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death” (Phil. 3:10).

The Church Plant
            From there, we journeyed with a pastor and a few of the youth 3 hrs north to another small village where the pastor wanted to plant a church, primarily because of the terrible influence this prosperity gospel was having in this area. So we erected a large tent and that evening held an open air gathering for the people in the surrounding area.
            The next morning, we had a time of Devotions with a few of the folk from the area, based on Matthew 23 and the whitewashed Pharisees. Then we talked about where the power comes from to overcome sin including James 4:1-10.

Work Within the Worker
            Concerning Missions, I’ve heard it said that it’s comprised of “2% what we did for the lives of those we ministered to, and 98% what God did in me!” To a large extent, I would concur with this statement, especially on this last Mission. God moved in my life in such a profound way to get me to realize more fully the extremity of a simple principle:
God is Holy. I am a wretched, hell-deserving sinner. God’s ways are not my ways, nor His thoughts my own. I am as nothing to Him and regarded by Him as less than nothing. The greatest works I can put forth are as dirty rags.
Hence passages such as Ephesians 2:8,9; Romans5:6-11; Luke 17:7-10 mean all the more. How fascinating that such a simple concept can be so readily ignored, rejected, and despised by man unless God has done a work in that person’s life.
            What a mighty God we serve! Praise be His Holy Name!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Boxes, Past Promptings... and Another Journey into Africa

          Well, the last few weeks have been home to much activity here at Livingstone House. I’ve been continuing to help in stores: looking through, sorting out, and distributing boxes of various types of literature donated from the States. Then just this week, a shipment of 40 tons came in. What bountiful supplies God distribute for His work! Once the literature comes in, anyone can come by to take as much as they would like/are able to take. There have been an increasing number of people stopping by to take material, and it seems to have picked up a decent rate of distribution. There are also some people who have taken a few tons of literature to then distribute in another area. Please pray that the material will make its way into the right hands as there are so very many in need of education, growth, and a deeper hunger for Christ. Is it not for a lack of knowledge that people perish? May God use the literature in a great way that will create a hunger inside the lost, challenge those who are found, and spur each one on to pursuing a more vibrant life in answer to Salvation's call.

To Jerusalem first...
          God has provided several opportunities in which to minister to those right around where I'm located. Just over a week ago, as I was going for a walk, a lady coming up the side street I was crossing was carrying several large bags. She said she could in fact use some help and we began walking toward where the taxis stopped. This provided about 1 km's walking time to talk. She had actually come from the high school my dad attended and was one of the cooks there! So right off the bat we had a common ground. It didn't take too long before the conversation turned to an eternal value. Grace said that she wasn't a Christian, but wanted to become one. She mentioned that she wanted all the blessings that some with a life in Christ, that she was going through a really hard time right now. Wanting to make sure that she hadn't the wrong idea of what a life resting on Christ looked like, we began to discuss the nature of hardships and the call Christ gave to take up our crosses. It grew to such a fruitful conversation! And as far as I could tell from merely that walk, she did have a genuine desire to follow Christ, even through His assurances of suffering. What a wonderful thing! I hope, Lord-willing, to see Grace again (as she travels that route daily) and talk more about the Lord. Please pray that either I will have the chance to have more conversations with her, or if it was God's will for me to only be a seed that she will come in contact with someone else who can help grow her in the Lord.

...then Judea...
          On the weekends, I often commute back with my uncle (who works very close to Livingstone House) and cousin (who's school is on the same block as LH) to Somerset West (about an hour's drive from Capetown), where much of my family are. This last weekend, I went for a run Saturday night and came across a man sitting on a short post in a park. His name being Joshua was a great segue into the Bible, and we had quite a lengthy conversation going from this topic to that. However one thing which he brought up several times was the power of a name, firmly standing by the fact that if you have a Bible name, you are greatly blessed by God and are definitely one of His called children (...but only the good Bible names as I found out when asking him about Cain, Delilah, and others). Conversely he was very hesitant to accept that someone without a Bible name could be a son of God. Many times I tried to steer rather toward the Gospel, but, he didn't seem to want to follow that train of thought in an actual discussion; however he told me at one point to keep talking because he liked what I was saying, so perhaps God was indeed working in him. But please pray that the words he heard were of God and not from my flesh, that God would stir in him a hunger for something more than content with the emptiness of death he now holds inside.

          From March 30 until April 5, Frontline is holding a Biblical Worldview Summit (like the first week of my training back in June) in Vereeniging, so I'll get to help with that. Our aim with this course is to reach those further north in South Africa who aren't able to make it down for the courses usually held in the Cape. We would appreciate your prayers for this as it draws near.
          You can also read more details about about the week here.

...and to the ends of the earth!
          Preceding the BWS, a small team of us will be heading up into Africa for another mission! The focus: Discipleship. we will be holding several seminars, working through two of Frontline's books on discipleship: Practical Discipleship and the Discipleship Training Manual. Our goal is to give a clear understanding of salvation and repentance in addition to discussing topics such as "I am not ashamed of the Gospel," suffering, revival, the beatitudes, wisdom vs. folly, and others. Please keep us in your prayers as we leave very soon for that. Pray for a hunger for revival and readiness to stand up against the darts of the prince of this world. pray that to those we minister, the light of Christ will spread.

Past Promptings
          It was four years ago, that Dad, John and I had the privilege of visiting a mission by the name of Kwasizabantu. The supernatural wonders that I saw there were amoung my most prominent earlier memories of seeing first-hand the power of God. After hearing a vibrant sermon by Erlo Stegen, we were shown around the grounds, extensively informed of some of the ministry that bloomed throughout the mission--a ministry based on the foundational recognition and repentance of one's sins, and acceptance of the Lordship of Christ; which then led to phenomenal healing both spiritually and physically!
          After that visit, I had recorded in my journal that I felt God calling me back to that place. I didn't write too much about it, because at the time, I hadn't seen how that would actually come together. I didn't know why God had placed it on my heart or even when and for how long I should return. Little did I know that God had in His plan, not only for me to go back and visit, but to share testimonies with the people there! Following this upcoming mission into Africa, and just before the BWS, the team will be doing exactly that. What's more, He's placed it on my birthday! God has such a sense of humour; what an amazing gift!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Message of Thanks

I write this post to specifically thank those of you who have given so much towards my year here in Africa and pray it will provide encouragement to you of the might of our Saviour. How blessed it is to be a part of an eternal family, united together through the bonds of One whom no power could dare overthrow! As I continue in the work the Lord has prepared for me here, I am continuously and increasingly thankful for how He has provided for my needs through your support.

To Prayer Supporters:
To those of you who have committed yourselves to prayer, may the assurance of God’s active work here in Africa be an encouragement in your prayer life and a strengthening in your faith. Regretfully, much of the year has passed me by without a proper appreciation or even knowledge of the enormous impact of the power of prayer. “Of course someone going on a mission trip, doing the Lord’s work, following His guidance, needs the prayer of fellow believers,” I often thought, yet so little had I known of the weight of that very thought. Having grown up in a Christian home, with prayer an assumed part in my life, It has been much more of a practice than a reality, the reality of coming before the throne of God Almighty: omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent! to whom even the seraphim round His throne can only say Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts! How true it is that “fools rush in where angels dare to tread.” And I  have so often been one of those very fools, “just shooting up a quick prayer” here and there, or praying something from which even the next day I have ceased to look for how it was answered. But biggest of all has been my vagueness in prayer, where out of a laziness in seeking Him, I pray only in generalities. Yet even in through this, how incredibly humbling it is has been to think that there are brothers and sisters praying specifically for me in my spiritual walk, for the work the Lord has for me here, and regarding various concerns throughout this year!  I’m filled with such a tremendous joy to think that this year advances with His children on their knees before Him as He advances His kingdom here on earth. And what a blessing to have the very same Father, who hears our earnest prayers—Our…Holy…Father! Thank you so very much for your prayers regarding this year. God has indeed been at work throughout this continent, He is indeed at work in my own life. And His Name will continue to be praised as a result of His work!

To Financial Supporters:
For those of you who have sacrificed financially to support my year here, my gratitude goes deeply to you also! From covering the expenses of the missions I’ve been able to partake in so far, to things as simple as food, transport, etc., it’s is such a blessing to have the financial support to do so. As I think of the sacrifice this is for many, I am again very humbled at the thought, and through your support, God has provided me with all my needs so far. Thank you so much for all your generosity! And may God greatly bless you.

Thanks be to God
It is really quite hard to express my deep gratitude for all the support you guys have given me, but I thank first and foremost our Father in heaven, who has seen all and paved the way long before we travel it. Praise Him for His eternal work! Praise Him that He not only shows us the path He has laid out for us, but has already provided for us what He has seen we need. What a truly amazing God we serve!

Mission Orientation Weekend Report

A Few Talks and a Campfire
The Mission Orientation Weekend went very well, with 24 participants joining us on a vast, remote farm (about a 2 hrs drive north of Capetown). Starting Friday afternoon, we discussed cults and sects as well as secular humanism. Questions were many, and I was encouraged especially by the eagerness of those taking notes and asking. That evening, we had a time of singing, sharing missions stories, and worship in front of a fire. It was such an awesome time of hearing how God had worked in the lives of several others there, and ways He had used them and changed them in the process. To the others, I pray it continued in motivating and deepening their desire for missions.

Saturday’s Events
First time I've fired a revolver
            We started the next day with a 5:00 PT, running up one of the hills near the camp—an exercise which oddly few seemed too keen on. But the reward was great when the rising sunlight splashed over the clouded horizon. The day was filled with lectures on faith, evangelism, Islam, self-defense, Creation/Evolution, and a couple films. The one described Islam very thoroughly, while the other, Ee-Tauw, was the story of a mission couple’s tribal ministry in Papua New Guinea (well worth seeing!). For the Creation/Evolution talk, we had the privilege of hearing from Mark Labrum, in association with ‘Answers in Genesis.’ In addition to the lectures, we did an outreach for a few hours to a nearby town and in the afternoon were able to use the farm’s shooting range

Arab Threat!
            Throughout the weekend, there was a continually developing story we became a part of. We had gone into an Islam territory to bring in the Gospel. However the border was heavily guarded by Arab militia, obstructing us from crossing back over the border. Come Saturday night, we were waiting for a break in the guard, an opportunity to cross back into safety. And after a few hours’ sleep, the very opportunity had come! We woke the participants up at 2:00 for a river border crossing simulation, and amoung 3 teams, saw who could do it the most inconspicuously. We used the nearby pond as a river substitute while one of the leaders shone a spotlight from the top of his bakkie when he heard anything.

            After completing the exercise, we all got a little more rest before church the next morning. Michael (who was on my previous Frontline missions) came in on the Sunday morning to give the sermon. He gave a very good message on faith. After talking with several of the people who had come and spending some time in prayer, we headed back home.
Praise in Answered Prayers
            Throughout the week, we saw a few people who were showed much eagerness in the lectures, who were keen to participate in the exercises, and who showed a genuine interest to carry on with missions. There were also many whom the camp didn’t seem very motivated at all, who didn’t show much of an interest at all to participate in and learn from the course. And yet the most encouraging thing through the entirety of the course was going into it knowing that God had already answered prayer; that He was convicting people of their sins, revealing Himself to those there so they might know Him more fully, and giving them a strong desire to become the fishers of men God has called them to be. I am eager to see how God has and will work in the lives of those who were there, and am so incredibly grateful that God has given us the gift and power of prayer at all. Praise His Name!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Upcoming Mission Orientation Weekend

          This upcoming weekend I'll be speaking at a Mission Orientation Weekend at Swartbergsvlei 4x4 grounds. Located "in the bush," the aim is to give people interested in missions a brief field experience and training ground. I'll be speaking on humanism tomorrow evening; then Saturday, following a presentation on the ideology and threat of Islam, I'll be talking about the love of Christ to ALL people groups and therefore the importance of our obedience in going to all nations with the Gospel of Salvation (On that note, if you haven't already seen the film More than Dreams, I would highly recommend it to you. Containing 5 testimonies of how God convicted and transformed people's lives into repentance through dreams, It is a great reminder of Christ's power and love).
          Please lift this weekend to the Lord in prayer for (1) a strong conviction of sin, (2) further insight into the understanding of God's character, and (3) a strong desire to go out as fishers of men in answer and obedience to His commission.

"Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD" ~Isaiah 2:3

Views from the Helderberg

A Glimpse of Jonah
          Last weekend, I hiked to the top of the Helderberg, one of the well known mountains of Somerset West. The sweat was running down as the heat of the day became more intense. No clouds in sight; no shade to walk by. However as I approached the top of the mountain, a thin canopy of cloud spread over the peak. I could suddenly feel the coolness of the breeze wafting by, and my mind suddenly began dwelling on the story of Jonah; the shade God provided him while on the hill; the shade which He took away. And I was much grateful for the cover above. However, I thought, surely the shade couldn't have been the lesson to Jonah; what was God teaching him?... Suddenly a cry echoed out over the rocks, and in the distance I could see two figures now at the top; a shout of victory! After a few minutes, I too hit the peak and was introduced to the men, Jeff and Carl. A very brief chat later, they were headed down the mountain. Opening then to Jonah, I began reading the fourth and last chapter to find what i failed to remember. And the portion which stuck with me, the same portion which I before had missed the significance of was this:
Then God said to Jonah, “Do you have good reason to be angry about the plant?” And he said, “I have good reason to be angry, even to death.” Then the LORD said, “You had compassion on the plant for which you did not work and which you did not cause to grow, which came up overnight and perished overnight. Should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know the difference between their right and left hand, as well as many animals?” (vs 9-11)
Prioritized Focus
          The prideful, grudging desires of and responses to the flesh will lead to hardened heart against all who are lost and dead, an unwillingness to carry out the Lord's work in ministry, even a distaste for the result of that work once carried out. So it was one thing to have been thanking God for shade that day, yet I hadn't lifted a finger to pray for and talk to the lost.

Daniel?… I know him!
The cross I made at the
peak from a plant
          I started down the mountain and before long had caught up with Jeff and Carl. While finding our way down the rocky portion, it came upon Carl to ask me to remind him of my name. He was quite mused that his brother was also named Daniel, and carried on to say that Daniel was indeed a great man. In complete agreement I concurred, adding also that he gave us may great examples. However Carl had in fact meant his brother and was skeptical that I actually knew him and this, how did I have this knowledge of him? When I proceeded to tell him I was referring to the Biblical character, his reply was, "Oh! No, I've moved beyond that stuff"... BAM!!! a completely open door into discussing God, discussing the Bible, discussing all sorts of things. Isn't it wonderful how God uses our pitiful mistakes and misconceptions in a conversation to carry out His precious work!

Fruitful Discussion
          From that moment for about an hour, as we hiked downward, there was such fruitful discussion about nature, physics throughout, nominal hypocritical Christians, various other religions, the existence of only one God amoung the millions which man has created, the destructiveness of following God for religion's sake, and other such topics. My heart was filled with such incredible joy in the Master's workings. Is their salvation not infinitely more precious than a mere patch of shade!
          Now I ask you to pray for these men, as Elijah once prayed for his servant: “O LORD, I pray, open [their] eyes that [they] may see." May God reveal Himself to them that they might clearly see Him through all that surrounds them

Jeff (left) and Carl (right)

Friday, January 13, 2012

South Sudan Mission Report

Shall We in Fact Go?
Crossing the Nile River in Uganda
          How were we to make it to South Sudan with the funding consistently falling short of our needed amount. The calling had been so strong to help the South Sudanese in their newly found need of discipleship--a newly established country, a new constitution, with great threats from the Islamic invasion of Sudan. In Joshua, when Israel was commanded to cross the Jordan, it was not until they had walked right into the water that the river was parted, that they were able to proceed in how God had led them. God required obedience before revealing His methods. 

Where the Lord Leads, He too Provides
          On September 27, a team of four of us set out from Capetown to train up and disciple the South Sudanese. A mere four hours into our journey, the phone rang. All the finances to enable us to reach South Sudan had been received. Praise to the omniscient Provider who knows our needs before us!

Unsurpassed Artwork
View from a mountain gorge of
one of Tanzania's vast expanses
The Great Rift Valley
as seen in Kenya
Victoria Falls
the smoke that thunders

          We continued through Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania and Uganda up into South Sudan. Throughout each country the beauty continually staggered me into an awe of the complexity and creativity of our creator. Passing through both the tropic of Capricorn of Northern South Africa and the equator in Uganda. From the sunrises, to the thundering splendour of the vast clouds, each new flower’s intricate design, the mighty expanses, and rugged mountains all declared the glory of God!

God Amoungst the Muslims
          While in Tanzania, Hunter and I met a man named Yakuti, a Muslim mechanic who helped with one of our trailer repairs. As we were having our quiet times while waiting for one of the men to finish welding, Yakuti, curious that we were reading the Bible, asked us if we were familiar with the Quran of his religion. What a perfect opportunity to share our faith with him. Although he believed both the Bible and the Quran he was unaware that the Bible explicitly stated that Jesus was THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life, and that no one came to the Father but through Him. once we showed Him directly from Scripture that one cannot be saved through Islam, but only through the way of the Master, he prayed for repentance then and there, tears of conviction rolling down his face. Now, Yakuti’s life is a proclamation of Christ’s immense power.

Pride before the Fall
One of the men who joined our
teacher training seminar
          God had many an opportunity for drilling me throughout our time in South Sudan, to reiterate His strength in my weakness; to tear down my high walls of pride, greatly hindering my relationship with God. Our ministry started out with a five day course to college students in the diocese of Kajo-Keji, giving lectures and devotions each day, showing films in the evenings, and going on outreaches to schools, chaplains, and local villages. After my first few lectures, I became very comfortable with presenting the talks, quite liking the positive and encouraging feedback of how I did, not realizing Satan’s decoys from the purpose of our mission: to minister, not entertain. Again and again I had to ask forgiveness for my prideful behaviour, and in response Christ didn’t just forgive me and move on. No, I was given more opportunities to lecture, each time seeking more to keep central focus on God, not merely on my presentation of Him. And the thing that encouraged me the most, that confirmed the power of His message, was this. As I was presenting, there were often times when participants didn’t seem to be listening or taking notes; but as soon as I mentioned a passage from Scripture, immediately the ink began to roll from their pens, as they were eagerly attentive to that of the Bible. What a blessing to see the hunger for God’s Word, for the message that changes life and converts the soul. We were able to do several various seminars and outreaches throughout the region, speaking at different churches and meetings, and again and again, the Lord was confirming His message through the people. Praise God for the work of His Holy Spirit!

Telling the story of Gideon
to chaplains
Participants in Kajo Keji
One of our best translators over-
joyed at receiving a study Bible

Turning Family against Family
Hymnbooks that survived the war
          We carried on our ministry northward throughout several other diocese and, as opposed to those in Kajo Keji, who having fled south to Uganda for the war had nearly no knowledge of the happenings thereof; plainly saw the heavy toll the war had taken on them. Bullet holes in the thatch, tombstones cracked, overgrown churches and schools which were the victims of air raids, and many other sights. However the effect of the war never really struck me until I was talking with one of the doctors we met, who described how in Khartoum where he had gone for schooling, he was forced by the Arabs to join the army and on threat of death forced to kill those from his hometown, including his own brother. I can’t imagine being put through that, the thought today still terrorizing him. Yet we know that Christ works ALL things to the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. With him and another friend, I had the priviledge of attending a time of hymns and worship held under a large mango tree, where we sang both English and Arabic songs. What a blessed time of fellowship!
One of the bombed churches
Eagerly reading their new literature

Bombed cathedral wall - rebuilt
since Frontline's last visit 

Redemption in Lui
          Also in Lui, stood Laro, the Slave Tree today known as the Salvation Tree; which is a truly a remarkable depiction of redemption. Used just less than 100 yeas ago by the slave trader Adilla to chain slaves where they were then sold to other traders and merchants passing through, this tree was the very location of the first prayer meeting held by Doctor Kenneth Fraizer upon his discovering of Lui in 1920. It also provided shade for many church services and times of worship, leaving a perfect illustration and reminder of God’s own redemption for us sinners. “I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see,” quoted slave trader John Newton after his conversion.
          I couldn’t help but be drawn to the immensity of God when looking at this tree. For under the same branches at which i stared, nearly a hundred years ago, slavery ran rampant under the rule of fierce Arab slave traders. To put myself in their position, I would be overwhelmed with this terrible atrocity, not knowing God’s sovereign plan for redemption in that very spot they were chained. How can we become so confused in God’s purpose when things seem to us to be out of place. Oh that we would find truly how to rest in His palm with faith enough not to question the trials we face.

Blessed with Malaria
Talking on the Ten Commadments (while with malaria)
          After a few weeks inside South Sudan, my health began failing, and to my initial dismay, a small mosquito had presented me with the gift of Malaria. However, this was indeed a blessing! For throughout its duration, not only was my prayer life was significantly strengthened as well as my trust in Christ’s supernatural strength, but He used in ways I hadn’t thought. My continual prayer was that through this God would be glorified in our ministry. I wasn’t sure exactly how this would work now, not being able to function well at all. But as soon as I stood up to talk and began with the material, Christ filled me with such a strength to talk and share with them. Then after we were finished with that discussion and i sat back down, the symptoms returned, until the next lecture...and so on. I felt better much talking in those times than in other lectures and am reminded now of Livingstone’s quote, “I am immortal till my work is accomplished.” Now I cannot say whether those listening gained more from those lectures than they would have otherwise, but I do know this. That through them, God was working boldly. For when we are weak, Christ is strong. If only we could more consistently and continually be not only weak in ourselves, but dead to all earthly pleas of the flesh.

Tongues of Fire!
          On our return trip through Uganda and Kenya, I was exposed to several Pentecostal churches; and although it was very interesting to see their heavy focus on the power of the Holy Spirit, it seemed in many instances they were using His power for their own gain, preaching a name it and claim it gospel. There was a huge vibe and response when preachers would tell the congregation that they would go in the power of God, and that with His Spirit in us that “we are living, breathing gods on earth” as said by a more extreme preacher. True, we cannot but rejoice in the tremendous power of the Holy Spirit, but when men use His blessed Name for personal gain, creating “a form of godliness,” we must be weary of their counsil, “tak[ing] every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”

Living to Die
          It says in the Good Book, “He that honours Me, I will honour.” May we not continue with contentment in our own deeds, which in all their esteem amount to no more than wood, hay, and stubble; but rather a desire for His work, His kingdom on earth. May we seek in everything, with everything, to live a life fully comprised of service to God. What a privilege to be commanded to serve the Servant King.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"When God wants to drill a man...

                                                                       ...and thrill a man and skill a man;
When God wants to mold a man to play the noblest part;
When He yearns with all His heart to create so great and bold a man,
That all the world might be amazed, watch His methods; watch His ways.
How he ruthlessly perfects whom He royally elects.
How He hammers and hurts him, and with mighty blows converts him
Into trial shapes of clay that only God understands,
While his tortured heart is crying, and he lifts beseeching hands.
How He bends but never breaks when His good He undertakes.
How He uses whom He chooses, and with mighty acts induces him
To try His splendor out; God knows what He’s about!”