Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Malawi Service Trip Report

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

          The grandeur of God is astounding! I look back on our visit to Malawi with a true joy at what the Father is doing to advance His kingdom. While 3 weeks seemed a somewhat short period to prepare for the trip, God had planned and prepared every aspect of it  far before this journey began; and throughout the trip He made it quite evident that His ways are far above our own – as high as the heavens are above the earth. I hope just to share a few ways in which He showed Himself faithful throughout this visit.

A Timely Physician
          As we stepped from the bus onto the tar just outside Queen Elizabeth Hospital, we heard a loud and unsettling wailing pierce through the air. A loved one had just passed away... inside the very walls which we were to bring comfort, a cry which sounded of hopelessness and terror dispersed around us. It was a very sobering moment, even as we continued in past the halls strewn with family and friends, tears streaming down each of their faces. One doctor to 40,000 patients in Malawi, as well as a hope of salvation which many of these people lack.
          Yet it struck me quite abrasively that this was the very reason we had come—more importantly, this was the reason Christ had come in the flesh: to save sickly sinners. As Jesus explained to His disciples, “‘It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance’” (Lk. 5:31-32). What a joy it is to both experience the saving love of Christ and to be able to share that hope with others, especially amid the hardships this life presents! It was evident to see God’s faithful guidance in the conversations which followed, by the bedside of each patient. We must hope and pray for His continued work—to convict, comfort and draw the lost to the Light, to His glory. He is good all the time, and causes ALL things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose; what a praise-worthy statement!

Malawi Children's Mission
Alefa, Allen, and Peter
          The brunt of our two weeks’ ministry, however, was spent about an hour away from where we stayed, at Malawi Children’s Mission (or MCM). The team—22 students and 6 leaders from King’s—had prepared a program for the children: Bible, English, crafts, and recreation; and because this was their week off school, we were able to spend a lot of time with them. Throughout the course of the weeks, we discussed the Gospel: starting with the Creator, through to the immense love of God in sending His perfect Son and Savior to us lost sinners. It was also a pleasure to talk to some of the older kids about how God was working in their lives and growing and challenging them. Not only do we share many of the same struggles, but also see God molding, challenging and encouraging us in very similar ways…separated by half the globe, yet still found by the same love of Christ and dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty.

Unforeseen Blessings
Earnest and Timvenji
          It always amuses me to compare my expectations before a mission to the ways God revealed Himself and worked through those circumstances. On our last trip to Malawi, God gave me an unexpected, immense love for the kids at the center, and I was expecting to see this take the same sort of focus again. But (although this aspect was by no means diminished) one of my most memorable experiences was the fellowship within the team. I could not have anticipated the many evenings of discussions with the others and the great encouragement to hear of God’s work in their lives. Indeed, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (Prov. 16:9).

          There are many other reasons for which God is to be praised as seen on this trip: whether it was in the more rural village visits—talking with the people and witnessing a bore hole being drilled right next to one of their communities; or in fellowshipping with one of the youth groups, or in witnessing the selfless hospitality of the locals.

Upcoming Central Africa Mission
          Thank you all so very much for your prayers and support! It means more than I can say, to have warriors behind us who are devoted to the Lord’s service and are in fervent prayer for the glory of God to be displayed. Please also be in prayer for the Kenya/Sudan Mission coming up this summer, where I will join up with missionaries from Frontline Fellowship for a few months, focusing primarily on disciple-ship, namely looking at some Reformation ideas. I’ll post more on that soon.
Our team from school with the translators from a local 
Bible study just outside Q.E. Hospital

Our God is faithful, through ALL means, to bring ALL glory to Himself. What a blessing to be a part of His kingdom!

In His Service,
Daniel de Villiers

Friday, March 1, 2013

2013 Upcoming Ministry

Hello family,

          I count it such a blessing to have a Father who is so good and so faithful, and brothers and sisters whom God has called his own, who are together a part of His very own mission. He has provided two different overseas mission opportunities within the upcoming months.

MALAWI Service Trip
Children at MCM
          The first came quite unexpectedly. In the summer of 2011, fourteen of us from The King’s Academy headed to MALAWI to help at Malawi Children’s Mission, and this year another team will be returning again to visit them. However, due to a recent elbow injury, Aunty Karen (de Smidt), the leader of this trip, is sadly not able to go this year. As a result, I will be joining the team to help in any way I can. It is approaching very quickly and we leave in 3 weeks’ time (Mar 21-Apr 1). We will spend time with about 150 orphans from three local villages, helping in the Feeding Center, playing with the children, presenting a simple Bible program and tutoring English and Math. We will also get to do some ministry in a hospital and a local village.

Preaching at a school in S. Sudan
          The second mission will be during the summer. Lord willing, I will be joining missionaries from Frontline Fellowship (the organization I worked alongside during my gap year) in their work from KENYA to SOUTH SUDAN. We will be focusing a large part of our teaching there on the Reformation and some of the key elements within it which had such a dramatic impact on the Protestant church. For a better look at some of the topics you can visit reform500.org.

          I would greatly appreciate your prayers for this upcoming ministry. One of the pieces in last year’s journeys which had a tremendous impact on me was a growing love for the power of prayer and a paralleled thankfulness toward the prayer warriors who so faithfully supported His work. Please be praying for:
- Wisdom (regarding both trips) in preparation for them and managing school around them
- Unity within the teams, especially now in the upcoming Malawi trip
- Humility and a servant’s heart towards those we minister to
- The Gospel to be truthfully and faithfully lived out and preached

     There are also several costs for these trips, and if God places on your heart a joy and desire to help contribute financially toward them, please let me know, and I will send you more information on that.

     If you would like to stay in touch with either or both of these missions, please send me an email at dandev93@gmail.com, and I will fill you in more and try to keep you updated with what God is doing through them.

May God’s Name be exalted among the nations!
In eager anticipation to see His work unfold,
Daniel de Villiers