Today is Pentecost Sunday; when we
remember the day many years ago when the Spirit and Fire of God came down upon
the church, empowering them to then go out across the globe in proclamation of
the living God! All over Scripture, we see God manifesting Himself through
fire: A burning torch to Abraham (Gen 15), a burning bush to Moses (Exo 3), a
pillar of fire to govern the Israelites; and on Mount Carmel, after the Baal
worshippers had cried out to their gods in vain, and God then sent fire upon
Elijah’s sacrifice, they saw and cried out that “the god who answers by fire,
He is God" (1 Kings 18:39). The description of God as a fire is shared among
most of the Minor Prophets in their human attempt to describe our great God.
Seeking God’s Heart
This Holy
God, Almighty Lord, and Loving Shepherd of ours has called us to “be Holy, for
I am Holy” (1 Pet 1:16). In fact just a few days ago in my reading, I came
across Samuel’s description to Saul of David: “The Lord has sought out a man
after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not
kept the Lord’s command” (1 Sam 13:14), which is reiterated again in Acts,
where “[God] also testified and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a
man after My heart, who will do all My will.’ ”
What an
absolutely astounding thing! To be a man who will carry out the greatest of God’s
commands to the full; who will love Him with ALL his heart, soul and strength; “who
will do ALL [His] will.”
Upcoming Ministry
And now we
depart very shortly for another mission, on which we will again be tackling
core principles of the Gospel, looking in depth at some of the pivotal teachings
of the Christian faith. This will be my last cross-country mission this year. Concerning
the ministry, God has laid two specific prayer requests upon my heart:
1) That in going out, God would continue His shaping and molding
our hearts through a mighty bending and drilling of our lives, to perfect us
into men after His own heart.
2) That the people we minister to would be filled with God’s
holy fire, unable to stand in His presence and in a total recognition of their
sin against a righteous King; of which major shift in their life will bring about
saved men and women, who cannot stop from praising His Name!
And thank you ever so much for all your support! I really do
appreciate it. It’s such a blessing to have so many faithful warriors backing
me in the field! God is at work indeed.