Friday, October 14, 2011

Status on Sudan Trip

“Africa, oh Africa, the Lord your God has risen upon thee!”

Greenery and Scenery
          Our team has been gone now for just over two weeks, encountering such breathtaking beauty and gaining new exposures throughout the land of Africa. After heading up to Pretoria for a few days to attain visas and sort out our final preparation, we headed across the border of Zimbabwe where we encountered such amazing views; from electric storms each afternoon, to the rugged rock structures and wild cloud formations. The mixture of lush greenness, winding mountains, and rugged valleys was breathtaking! On our journey northward, as my dad well described in recent update, we had some really neat ministry opportunity, and Hunter (22 yrs) has made and printed tracts for us to hand out along the way, which has led to several fruitful discussions. In addition, just within the first few days out of the country, we saw a tremendous amount of wildlife such as buck, hippos, birds of all sorts, monkeys, long horned cattle competing with us for their road rights, and even a wild bore. We continued through Zambia, Tanzania, currently in Uganda.

On the Shores of Lake Victoria
          One of the nights in Tanzania, we had to sleep on the side of the road in a mountain pass, from which we had a view of the wide stretching Tanzania expanse and a beautiful sunset. Hiked down with a couple of the locals who were heading into the valley to fetch honey from a hive there. I hadn’t put much thought into views being more stunning than Zimbabwe’s rugged terrain, yet again found several of my breaths stolen away as the land changed a full set of colors into a new unique array as the sun found its rest beyond the horizon. We found that Tanzania had little desire of wasting paint, and thus, kept road lines to a minimum. While getting some fixes on the vehicle, Hunter and I had a great chat to a Muslim about the Bible compared to his preconception of it. He was very open to hearing, and we opened up the Bible to show him what its verses actually said. Then last night we camped on the shores of Lake Victoria, the eye of Africa, with front row seats to a dark golden moon rising from among the clouds and a developing thunderstorm across the lake. We woke up this morning amongst a raging storm and, after a quick swim in the lake, packed up gear and continued on.

          Then we said our farewells to Tanzania and headed into Uganda. As is the northern part of Tanzania, the scenery is unbelievably green and lush! We hit Kampala tonight and had a hysterical zigzag of chaos on the way in. Lanes weren't even a thought as motorbikes whizzed in and out of vehicles holding to the single law of the road: "Bigger bumper beats all." On several occasions we were cut off by a trucker coming the opposite direction, overtaking a biker or another truck in our presumed lane. And one of the bikers, trying to squeeze through two large trucks, actually breathed in and straightened his back as he made himself more worthy to fit through. And this is all normal and accepted; very rarely did we actually hear a horn. We suspected that the traffic lights would have been stoned to death within a few hours of construction, and for the couple we did see, the only rule was that if there was a red light in your direction, you merely had to honk before proceeding. All this was watched and approved by a single police, standing in the middle of the road...what a city!

Interests of Prayer
          We will be crossing into South Sudan shortly and starting our courses and camps with the folk there. God has been so evident throughout the duration of this mission and we pray that we will continue to follow His guidance as He shows us what we are to do and say. Praise God for His mighty work for allowing such harlots as ourselves to take part in this mission. Praise Him that we aren't the ones who can change a man, but rather God in us; for if it were left up to blind to lead the blind, we would be an entirety of a lost world. Praise Him for His sacrifice and salvation which can cover sin, with which is the only way to present ourselves holy sacrifices. Please pray for the soon approaching courses, for the final preparation and review of lecture notes and sermons. Pray that the Lord will speak His mighty Word through us vessels, and that in the experience we ourselves will become more broken and more chipped away; that God would make us merely windows through which He is seen. Pray that God will do a mighty work in South Sudan, that the people will grow in fear and reverence toward the Almighty; then being spurred on to a deeper relationship and love for Christ, will go into their surroundings and continue spreading the Word of Life, the Gospel of Salvation. May His Name dwell in the land!

          Col. 3:1-3 - Therefore since you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God, set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

1 comment:

  1. looks like things are gonna get interesting up north.;
    WASHINGTON—The White House has authorized U.S. troops and advisers to deploy in Central Africa to help track down the leaders of the Lord's Resistance Army rebel force—expanding the Obama administration's string of interventions around the world, and stepping into the center of a conflict that has alarmed human-rights groups for more than a decade.

    Stay sharp. I'm still jealous
