Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Every Man's Bridge

Something that came to mind the other night:

          If a man was made to build a bridge with a supply of whatever he wanted, he would have little problem at all in putting something down to fill the gap at hand. But in giving this same man a specific list of tools and limited materials, he would have to seek out much more carefully how to go about covering the spans with even any structure at all. In the first scenario, that bridge would crumble easily, not having been well thought or laid out, as the man sought to fill the gap perhaps with the cheapest materials, perhaps with what made the bridge look the most appealing, not working as toward a sound structure. But with the materials having been limited as in the second scenario, that man needs much planning in order for that bridge to even reach the other side. If he incorporates materials which he was not allowed now to use, materials of lesser quality, to simply fill the expanse or even merely to boast to others on his completion of a bridge to gain their respect and admiration; he jeopardizes the bridges stability, leading to the collapse of that bridge and in turn to the death of whoever uses it. He must use only the right materials, ones of strong, lasting and sound property. However this is not enough to complete a sound bridge. If he uses any material out of place, putting it where it should not be, and where another needs to function, he again jeopardizes the bridge. resulting in another downfall.

          We far too oft try to build our bridges with materials the world offers, giving in to Satan's temptations which pull us away from the sturdy structure of a life based purely on God's Word. We use inappropriate humor, negative attitudes, the gossip and mocking of others, apathy, and conformation to those materials of the world to finish the bridge, complete the path ahead, and get across to those around us; while we are told so clearly and strongly NOT to conform to this world. We must seek perfection and holiness ALONE to finish our task. For a bridge built on anything but Truth, even in just a small portion, is unstable and leads to death. And notice that as that man crosses the bride comprised of decisions and actions he makes, he is not the only one who dies; but also anyone who then walks that same bridge, who he has influenced on the building.

          Now the usage of right materials in itself is not what brings about a perfect bridge, in fact some of the most dangerous and deceptive bridges are built using correct materials, because it has all the right parts for being a supportive bridge and so deceives one crossing it who doesn't examine the placement of those parts; but perfection is a result of those tools and materials being used in their correct and intended use. Just as a cable cannot be replaced by the tar, or a beam with bolts, so too each part of Scripture must be used according to its intended purpose, not taken out of context or perhaps cut out and fit into another opening which looks prettier. In addition.we cannot just leave a part out of the bridge because if a piece is called for in a particular area and we omit it, not feeling like using it then or having the time and energy to include it, that bridge also is unstable. So too we must not only know the right materials to use, or even where and how to use them; because even if such is the case, an omission to follow through an use it has the same result as replacing that piece, that action, that calling, with something unsound and unstable.

          We must rightly divide the Word of Truth, lest we misuse it as Satan also misused it in his tempting of Jesus in the wilderness; which, if it had been heeded to and carried out, it would have brought forth death. We cannot play around with sin. It is not something to be taken lightly. The consequences for sin is far greater than the physical consequences and repercussions we face, for a spiritual death is immeasurably greater than physical death or even suffering. God calls us to holiness, to the use of the finest, most perfect and precious materials; not merely at an external glance, or even in our actions, but in our motives also! Just because we have done something considered good, by no means clears vile motives. May we seek God's plan for our lives. May we be willing to give up any pieces in our lives which will destroy a bridge. May we stick to the straight and narrow path, not straying to the right or to the left. May we find joy in the blessing of being persecuted for righteousness. And may our holy God mold us each coming moment to becoming the vessel he has intended us to be.

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