Friday, March 1, 2013

2013 Upcoming Ministry

Hello family,

          I count it such a blessing to have a Father who is so good and so faithful, and brothers and sisters whom God has called his own, who are together a part of His very own mission. He has provided two different overseas mission opportunities within the upcoming months.

MALAWI Service Trip
Children at MCM
          The first came quite unexpectedly. In the summer of 2011, fourteen of us from The King’s Academy headed to MALAWI to help at Malawi Children’s Mission, and this year another team will be returning again to visit them. However, due to a recent elbow injury, Aunty Karen (de Smidt), the leader of this trip, is sadly not able to go this year. As a result, I will be joining the team to help in any way I can. It is approaching very quickly and we leave in 3 weeks’ time (Mar 21-Apr 1). We will spend time with about 150 orphans from three local villages, helping in the Feeding Center, playing with the children, presenting a simple Bible program and tutoring English and Math. We will also get to do some ministry in a hospital and a local village.

Preaching at a school in S. Sudan
          The second mission will be during the summer. Lord willing, I will be joining missionaries from Frontline Fellowship (the organization I worked alongside during my gap year) in their work from KENYA to SOUTH SUDAN. We will be focusing a large part of our teaching there on the Reformation and some of the key elements within it which had such a dramatic impact on the Protestant church. For a better look at some of the topics you can visit

          I would greatly appreciate your prayers for this upcoming ministry. One of the pieces in last year’s journeys which had a tremendous impact on me was a growing love for the power of prayer and a paralleled thankfulness toward the prayer warriors who so faithfully supported His work. Please be praying for:
- Wisdom (regarding both trips) in preparation for them and managing school around them
- Unity within the teams, especially now in the upcoming Malawi trip
- Humility and a servant’s heart towards those we minister to
- The Gospel to be truthfully and faithfully lived out and preached

     There are also several costs for these trips, and if God places on your heart a joy and desire to help contribute financially toward them, please let me know, and I will send you more information on that.

     If you would like to stay in touch with either or both of these missions, please send me an email at, and I will fill you in more and try to keep you updated with what God is doing through them.

May God’s Name be exalted among the nations!
In eager anticipation to see His work unfold,
Daniel de Villiers